Philips IQon Spectral CT Fundamentals.

by Philips Consumer Lifestyle



Philips IQon espectrales CT Fundamentos es una herramienta de aprendizaje interactivo.

Philips IQon Spectral CT Fundamentals is an interactive learning tool that introduces medical professionals to the basics of Spectral CT physics and various spectral imaging features. See how the IQon Spectral imaging can become part of your routine CT imaging by experiencing a few of the diagnostic benefits that radiologists, physicians, medical residents and radiology technologists may encounter in daily patient imaging. nThis Spectral Fundamentals app includes information on: n• Spectral Technology n• Adding Spectral to your Clinical Workflow n• Clinical Spectral Results capabilities nInteractive tools include experiencing:n• Spectral Magic Glass benefitsn• kEv slidern• Image Fusionn• Diagnostic Characterization Tools nAlso, observe case reviews via the following Spectral viewers:n• CT Viewer n• Advanced Vessel Analysisn• Cardiac Viewern• Tumor tracking